
How To Become A Member

We are always in search of people who are interested in joining us here at FVFD. We are an active department that responds to a myriad of emergency calls ranging from structure/vehicle fires, auto accidents, water rescues, medical calls and everything in between. If you have ever thought about becoming a firefighter or EMT, and want to help those who live, work, and pass through your community every day, please consider contacting us.

The department holds a variety of in-house training as well as state run classes that will prepare you for the challenges you may see as a Firefighter/EMT in the town of Farmington. As the Town of Farmington grows, so does our call volume. Every year we find ourselves responding to more and more emergencies so only motivated people, who are up to the challenge need apply.

Though we consider our work serious, there are also perks to becoming a member of FVFD. The department will organize family picnics, bus trips, softballs games, and a host of other fun events so we can blow off some steam. We also hold a variety of fundraisers that are open to the public like our Semi-Annual Family Breakfasts.

Click here to download an application for the FVFD.

Click Here to email Assistant Chief Mike Lusitani if you have any questions about the application process.

New Member Expectations

We are providing a service for the town of Farmington and held at a higher standard, everyone is expected to act appropriately and to be aware of your actions at all times, there are many people always watching.

Be polite, respect others, be courteous to others as we are in the publics eyes at all times.

Wear any FFD apparel with respect, our name is on you so your actions good or bad will come back to us.

Read and review guidelines, you will be asked about the content during your probation.

Your probation period is 6 months. During this time you should respond to as many calls, training and social events as possible. After this 6 month period the officers will review your response and make the appropriate recommendations to the membership. Upon acceptance into this department you are required to obtain a full dress uniform. Contact the uniform committee for our supplier. The department will reimburse you for half the cost of the full dress uniform. You are required to be present for parades, funerals, awards and any functions that may support this department with this uniform.

Thursday nights is training/ drill nights. The last Thursday of every month is our monthly meeting. A detailed training schedule is posted monthly at the fire house, online or can be emailed upon request.

The gear committee will outfit you with turnout gear which you are expected to wear at all calls, keep secure and in good condition.

Your attendance is marked via run form and is filled out for every call. See an officer or member to fill out forms correctly and remember to sign in to receive credit.

Firefighters Response to Fire Houses

You are required to sign in for 20% of the calls and 40% of the Thursday evening drills to maintain structural status and be considered an active member. You must be present for the entire call and/or training night to receive credit.

When we are dispatched to an emergency call, you are to respond directly to the firehouse and NOT to the scene. This is for your safety and to ensure that we have full crews on our apparatus at all times. If a call is cleared on your way to the station you may continue onto the station to sign in.

You are expected to obey all traffic laws and respond in a safe manner. Speeding, passing at high rates of speed and running red lights are not allowed. If you cause an accident you are responsible for your actions.

Blue lights are to be displayed (turned on) only for certain types of our calls when responding to stations. They also must be turned off if a call clears or is down graded. Blue lights are a courtesy light, if vehicles pull over then you are allowed to proceed safely around them and continue on. If vehicles choose not to pull over or don’t see your lights you are not allowed to pass these people. A blue light permit can be obtained from a chief officer after the first three months of your probation. This permit must be present in your vehicle at all times. The chief officer will orient you on appropriate blue light usage when responding to calls. If you abuse the blue lights they will be taken away.

Upon arrival at the fire house you are expected to safely park your vehicle and proceed onto the apparatus as needed.